Regeneration Proposals for the Lighthouse complex at the Butt of Lewis
Urras Oighreachd Ghabhainn has taken the lead role in delivering some proposals for regenerating the redundant Lighthouse complex at the Butt of Lewis.
Existing visitor numbers are significant and rank the Lighthouse as one of the prime attractions in Lewis. A major shortcoming at present is the complete lack of visitor facilities at this destination and the missed opportunity to contribute to the local economy.
Initial design proposals offer a robust and carefully balanced approach to bringing these historic buildings back to life and generate major economic benefit for North Lewis. These are based on similar initiatives at other community run Lighthouse locations across Scotland as a starting point and further research is required to refine the proposals for maximum impact. The buildings are under the ownership of Northern Lighthouse Board (NLB) and further information concerning possible lease arrangements is awaited from NLB.
The Design and Feasibility Report is available to download here:
Image: The Lighthouse at the Butt of Lewis, taken by James Lyne.