Fuadaichean Ghabhsainn agus stri an fhearainn a lean sin /
The story of the Galson clearances and the struggle for land
Dorsan ar n eachdraidh, ar n’ inntinn, ar cultur, ar tìr, ar dion, ar fàgail, ar tilleadh
Dorsan of our histories, our minds, our culture, our place, our protection, our leavings
An extract from Dòmhnall U. MacGilleMhoire's reflections
2024 marked 100 years since the resettlement of Galson village. na Dorsan, a monument commissioned by Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn, designed by artists Will Maclean and Marian Leven and constructed by Chris Barrowman, in South Galson, was erected to commemorate the following significant events in the history of Galson:
The community of Galson is cleared to make room for a sheep farm
Galson is raided by a large group and four men are later arrested
Galson is resettled
Galson Estate Trust is created, owned and managed by the community
The name na Dorsan was XXXX
Plana inntinneach agus iomchaidh.
Beàrnan anns na ballachan-
fàilteachadh, gluasad sluaigh,
ionnsachadh, cuimhne, sùil a-mach, sùil
a-steach, fosgladh don inntinn, fosgladh
gu fasgadh, ac'chlach, an talamh, an tìr,
na daoine.
na Dorsan​
A spirited and appropriate plan.
Openings in walls, welcoming, social
shifts, learnings, memories, eyes out,
eyes in, openings for mind, openings to
shelter, stone, the earth, the place, the people.
​na Dorsan
An extract from Dòmhnall U. MacGilleMhoire's reflections
To accompany the monument in South Galson, there is an exhibition at the Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn Business Centre, which delves into the history of Galson, offering an insight into the events which unfolded.
The exhibition is open from Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm (closed during the Christmas and New Year break), and anyone is welcome to come and visit the exhibition and walk up to the monument.
We have been very fortunate to access a variety of fascinating documents, letters, and photographs to support the exhibition. Below you will find some additional materials which we feel add to the story of Galson.
Thanks to XXXXXX for allowing us to use their personal documents.
Partners & funders
We are very grateful to all the organisations and individuals who helped to make this project possible, either through their expertise and knowledge. ​
Will Maclean and Marian Leven (artists), Chris Barrowman, Pearse O'Halloran at Loom Graphics, Comunn Eachdraidh Nis, XXXXX
Thank you to The Gordon & Ena Baxter Foundation for providing additional funding to support the building of the monument.