Community Investment Fund - Award will help renovation of Sgoth Jubilee
The Falmadair Trust has received a Community Investment Fund grant of £13,775 for the renovation of the Sgoth Jubilee, previously renovated in the 1980s and then again in 2006. She is once again in need of major works, due to her age and all year open-air use.
Sgoth Jubilee is the last of the North Lewis dipping-lug boats built as a working craft in 1935 by John Finlay Macleod, who took the rope ashore from the wreck of the Iolaire. Jubilee remains in ownership of CEN along with the Sgoth Niseach and An Sulaire. The renovation and operation of ‘Jubilee’ was the originating force behind Falmadair but its remit has always been to promote the maritime culture of the area and to encourage seagoing activities both for recreational and career reasons. For more information about Falmadair, please visit
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