Community LED by Energy Champions
Our two-year Climate Challenge Fund project, Community LED by Energy Champions, which we delivered in partnership with Urras Oighreachd Chàrlabhaigh, comes to an end this month.
The project aimed to increase awareness and understanding of climate change, reduce carbon emissions, reduce fuel poverty and promote domestic energy saving behaviour across our community.
We have been delighted with the success of this project and extend a huge thanks to all our residents across the two estates who have supported us by signing up for home energy audits, by participating in workshops and by taking part in our carbon literacy training courses.
Highlights include:
327 households have received home energy audits
270 households have received LED light bulbs
109 people have participated in energy saving workshops
75 volunteers have contributed time to our project
43 volunteers have completed Carbon Literacy for Communities two-day training course
The project has received positive feedback from those who have been involved:
“I and several members of my family plus friends and neighbours have personally benefited significantly from the CCF LED project run by UOG/UOC. I can vouch for the positive reaction to their project from within our communities here in Lewis and I am also pleased to praise their confidential, professional yet friendly approach to the task of home visits, surveys/questionnaires and positive energy-saving solutions.”
As part of the project we worked with students attending the Nicolson Institute to produce a short film, An-Dràsta!, which examines how the climate emergency is affecting the Western Isles. The film has been seen by over 1500 people at live screenings across the islands and it won the Best Dùthchas Film award at FilmG 2020. An-Dràsta! can be viewed online or downloaded here:
Whilst our Community LED by Energy Champions project has now ended, support relating to home energy efficiency is available locally from Tighean Innse Gall (01851 706121) or Home Energy Scotland (0808 808 2282).