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September 2021 - New Business Centre Update

Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn’s replacement premises at South Galson is now at a very advanced stage and is due for handover in the next 2-3 weeks.

External cladding has been fully completed after a delay in the materials arriving and access finishes around the building are in progress. Internally, the contractor will be completing painting and service installations in the second half of September as well as laying flooring. Testing and commissioning of services is the final activity. Data cabling and equipment fitting is also underway in advance of a fibre broadband connection being installed by BT. At present, the timeframe for the connection is early November but it is hoped that this can be brought forward as the road crossing to bring the cable to the site has just been carried out by BT contractors.

UOG staff are currently undertaking detailed planning of the fit-out works required in the building to enable occupation to commence after the October break. Works to complete the visitor facilities to the rear of the site are scheduled to continue until late October.

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