about us | mar deidhinn
The Galson Estate is a community-owned estate of 56,000 acres of coast, agricultural land and moor in the North West of the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. The estate comprises 22 villages running from Upper Barvas to Port of Ness with a population of nearly 2,000 people. The estate passed into community ownership on 12 January 2007, to be managed on their behalf by Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn.
"Our vision is to see a thriving and well-connected community with excellent local services and amenities."
Tha Oighreachd Ghabhsainn a’ gabhail a-steach 56,000 acair fearainn air ceann a tuath Eilean Leòdhais. Tha an oighreachd a’ ruith bho Barabhas Uarach gu Port Nis le cha mhòr 2,000 neach a’ fuireach ann an dà bhaile air fhichead. Air an 12mh là den Fhaoilleach 2007 ghabh muinntir Oighreachd Ghabhsainn sealbh air an fhearann aca fhèin. Le seo chaidh uallach airson na h-oighreachd a stiùireadh a thoirt don choimhearsnachd.