History and information / Eachdraidh agus fiosrachadh
The name Knockaird (Gaelic: An Cnoc Àrd) is Gaelic for “the high hill”, which is relative as although the village is only at a height of 38 metres it is on one of the few high points of the north Lewis plain. It overlooks the shallow valley containing the Loch Stiapabhat nature reserve, completed in December 2013. In 2020, Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn signed a management agreement with the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds). Under the terms of the new agreement, the RSPB will be permitted to undertake scientific surveys and research, monitor the flora and fauna of the area and highlight the assets of the Nature Reserve for educational, scientific and conservation purposes.
Knockaird is in the far north of Ness, bordering the villages of Fivepenny Ness and Port of Ness and overlooks the Clan Morrison fortified island site of Dùn Èistean. The ruins of two large buildings and groups of inter-connecting cellular structures can be seen amongst the grassy tussocks on the top of the island, as well as an artificial pond and a low turf wall enclosing the site. Peat hearths, broken pottery, pistol shot and coins dating to the 16th-17th centuries have been found.
Glasgow University Archaeological Research Division (GUARD) Notes on Dùn Èistean: http://canmore.org.uk/site/4417/lewis-port-of-ness-dun-eistean
Dùn Èistean excavation photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/8299848@N07/sets/72157600238545516/detail/

Tha An Cnoc Àrd (Beurla: Knockaird) a’ ciallachadh “the high hill” ann am Beurla, a tha an coimeas ris na bailtean eile oir ged a tha An Cnoc Àrd aig àirde de dhìreach 38m, ’s e seo fear de chorra bhinneanan air còmhnard Leòdhais a Tuath. Faicear seallaidhean den ghleann eu-domhainn far a bheil tèarmann nàdair Loch Stiapabhat, crìochnaichte san Dùbhlachd 2013.
Gheibhear An Cnoc Àrd fada tuath ann an Nis, ann an crìch ri Còig Peighinnean Nis agus Port Nis agus tha e suidhichte os cionn eilean daingnichte Chloinn Mhoireasdain far a bheil Dùn Èistean. Chithear tobhtaichean dà thogalaich mhòir agus buidhnean de structaran ceallach ceangaltach am measg nan tulach feurach air mullach an eilein, cho math ri lochan fuadain agus balla-sgratha ìosal a tha a’ cuairteachadh na làraich. Fhuaireadh gealbhanan mòine, criadhadaireachd bhriste, connadh-piostal agus buinn bhon 16mh-17mh linntean cuideachd.
Glasgow University Archaeological Research Division (GUARD), Notaichean air Dùn Èistean: http://canmore.org.uk/site/4417/lewis-port-of-ness-dun-eistean
Dealbhan Chladhaich Dhùn Èistein: https://www.flickr.com/photos/8299848@N07/sets/72157600238545516/detail/
http://isaacsite.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/duneistean-5.jpg (Accessed 09.07.15)
Knockaird once had 3 shops:
Bùth Nora Dhomhnaill a' Choire - Nora Morrison. Small grocery.
Bùth Dholaidh Aonghais Òig - Donald Maclean. Grocer.
Bùth Anna Shrachain - Annie MacDonald. Grocer/general. Rationed confectionery was always available here during World War II. (Reference: Criomagan March/April 1996).