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Mu dheidhinn Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn

Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn (Galson Estate Trust) was established in 2007 to manage the Galson Estate for and on behalf of the community from Upper Barvas to Port of Ness on the Isle of Lewis. It is a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity.


9 volunteer directors were democratically elected from the membership to manage the trust and they employ 14 members of staff (both full-time and part-time) who are involved in the day-to-day operations of the company and its subsidiary companies. The company has two trading subsidiary companies. All trading activity is undertaken by Galson Estate (Trading) Ltd and renewables developments are undertaken by Galson Energy Ltd.


The Trust works to ensure that the community of Galson Estate benefit greatly from community ownership. It undertakes all estate business, while also managing a large range of projects in order to support and develop the area. Please visit our Trust Work page to find out more about our projects.

Urras Oighreachd Ghabhsainn’s Aims

Amasan an Urrais

To promote for the public benefit rural regeneration (following principles of sustainable development, where “sustainable development” means development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs) and the development of the areas of social and economic deprivation within the Galson Estate area of the Isle of Lewis, for the benefit of the Galson Estate Crofting Community.


To reach the aim, the following objectives are adopted:


the relief of poverty in such ways as may be thought fit.


the advancement of education, training or retraining, particularly amongst unemployed people, in providing them with work experience and the advancement of education in the benefits of sustainable development.


the provision of housing for those who are in a condition of need and the improvement of housing in the public sector and charitable ownership.


to develop, or alternatively develop through other agencies, infrastructure and communication links within the Galson community for the benefit of the general public.


the protection and conservation of the environment. 


“A thriving and well-connected community

with excellent local services and amenities, harnessing its natural assets to sustain a unique cultural and social environment.”

“Coimhearsnachd a tha soirbheachail le deagh cheanglaichean anns a bheil sàr sheirbheisean agus ghoireasan ionadail, a’ cleachdadh a stòrasan nàdarra gus cultar agus àrainn a tha sònraichte a dhèanamh seasmhach.”
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