Tha Sunnd 2022 beò! 'Sunnd' is live!
Tha Sunnd beò! 'Sunnd' is live!
Thoiribh sùil air am postair seo - tachartasan sunnd is slàinte thar miosan na gèamhraidh.
The programme for Sunnd 2022, our health and wellbeing initiative over winter, is now live!
We've a wide range of activities on offer to support good mental and physical wellbeing throughout the winter months - line dancing, sea swimming, cookery demonstrations, arts and crafts sessions, training courses such as 'Administering First Aid to Infants and Toddlers' and much more.
You can find the full programme of events by clicking here.
Bookings for events can be made by clicking here.
You can also contact us to book or for more information. Either visit us in person at the Business Centre in Galson, email us on or call 01851 850 393.