Dùthchas 2022 Launches

Tha Dùthchas air ais! We are VERY excited that our Dùthchas 2022 Heritage week programme of events is LIVE!
Tha sinn air bhiorran a coimhead air adhart ris an sreath de thachartasan a tha' againn am bliadhna's!!
We are very much looking forward to hosting in-person events again this year and to welcoming you all along!
This year, join us for a ceilidh dance at Borve House, some singing at Comunn Eachdraidh Nis with Murdigan & DB and the Laxdale Ladies, and in-person talks with doctoral researchers Juliette Deportes & Ryan Dziadowiec! All this and much more. We can't wait to see you there!
For all up-to-date info on events and booking please visit www.duthchas.com, pick up a booklet in local outlets or call us on 01851 850 393.